21 December 2013

The 7 chakras necklace

When I first saw a picture of Damned Halo's beadwork (http://damnedhalo.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/paulas-chakra-necklace.html?m=1), I immediately felt that I have to make one like this.

So this is how my own Chakra Necklace looks like:

Thank you Damned Halo for the wonderful pattern!

18 December 2013

Honeybee on a flower badge

This badge will be a gift for the father of a very kind colleague of mine, hope he will like it as much as I enjoyed making it. His hobby is to run a honeybee garden, so I was being asked to make a beaded honeybee, this is how it ended.

Flower pattern: Holle Randy